Ambien Antithesis

Existing without form

The antithesis of Life, as we know it, is death.  The Ambien antithesis is life being lived here as a sleeping and dreaming being.  Sleepers.

While awake we push ourselves to a level of exhaustion that eventually overwhelms us, driving us to find a way to sleep.

When we are out on the road after hours of driving, with still several hours of driving to go, we struggle against the pressure to sleep, because we want to reach our destination in the shortest amount of time.   While we are driving in that struggle our mind begins to wander.  We wander over the list of mental images related to the time we last drove ourselves to not sleep.

Settling on a specific memory image, we then begin to access the different levels of how we felt, the number of ordeals had, if any, and the cascading efforts needed before sleep could happen.  We bring our eyes back to the focus of the road and driving.  Startled, we see that a great deal of time had past while we were sorting through previous sleep challenges.  Feeling awkward about not having a recollection of the last several minutes of driving, if not hours missed driving, in some sort of trance.

Before we started the trip, we did an inventory through mental image lists for the possibilities of situations we could experience during the journey process.  The process for planning the trip, items and tools needed and possibly will be needed, string of experiences likely to be had,  and arrival time challenges.  Everything planned as perfectly as possible.

But, where were we during that time of driving missed?  This was not planned.  If it wasn’t due to an alien abduction, then it had to be some form of sleep.

“If I was asleep during that time, who was driving?”

Our hands were on the steering wheel, we remember because we can feel with the memory of the steering wheel in our hands, but the perception through our eyes for things realized during that time is absent.  The Ambien part of who we are had the handle on the situation, the Ambien part that knows the “why,” for why we are here, was managing things.

This trance time is the time for Ambiens of Sleepers, un-rooted Ambiens and Ambiens never rooted to meet.  The un-rooted Ambiens, are Ambiens that lived at one time as a being that slept and dreamed, but has long since expired -passed on, their consciousness continues and the memories they had from that time of living are retained.  The never-rooted Ambiens, are Ambiens that have yet to experience a life, attached.  Sown into a sleeping being and their consciousness taking root into the life being.

This traveling allows for a multitude of meetings between different clouds of un-rooted and never-rooted Ambien colonies that are, as a group, rooted to locations during the journey.

At the instant entrances and exits from cloud groups, image memories are uploaded and downloaded into the meeting spheres of consciousness’s.  The sharing happens because sharing and receiving is known to be helpful.  -Known.

It is a sharing of memories from Ambiens met days ago, or in the car just ahead.  As the energy of this Ambien string and link of clouds grows stronger it creates a line or river of energy that connects destination points.  A “lay” line, if only temporary; for those who are familiar with lay-line terminology.

In a sense, sitting like crows on a fence, a strand of Christmas tree lights.

The stronger the energy, the more likely those who are living here and traveling the energy line will be drawn into sleep.  While riding (not driving, hopefully) the road energy empowers the Ambien to be more evident in the situation.  Be ready to realize the coming clouds of Ambiens and the memories that can be shared there.  Because sharing is known to be helpful.

While riding we go into a sleep trance, a place deeper than the driving trance.  Here the ‘rooted’ Ambien can be open to full realization of everything that can be shared.  A spiritual bliss, so to speak.

It is the cloud that cultivates us.

If REM sleep is achieved while our body is in motion, a higher complexity of the dream composition and experience can happen.   REM sleep, while the body is in a stationary place, has dream composition in a regular format that is consistent with resident Ambien cloud, the home cloud that cultivates us while we are sleeping in our own beds.

The things that happen and influence us in our dreams are Ambien pharmaceuticals administered for continuing the present health of progress.

The challenge is for the dream imagery be converted into action or matter.  Some dreams get repeated again and again until the point in the imagery can be sown and take root into a path for discovery.

Ambien intelligence is different from what we would consider higher intelligence.

The owner of a company trains people they’ve hired to do a task.  The owner of the company, at one time, did each individual task, or spent a great deal of time thinking about how the task would be completed.  The owner is in a place where they could not do all the tasks themselves for achieving the result the wish to achieve.

The Ambien consciousness has us completing tasks that are beyond their reach.  They have to suffer while we stumble with image interpretation for achieving the desired outcome: new style of music, new word phrasing, new cooking recipe or new semiconductor composition.  All leading the way and opening the door to discoveries that can be received and shared, because sharing is helpful.

Imagine if the NuCompanion could be developed to a level of capability that would allow better communication?  Without it our connection is a two-way mirror.  They can see us, but we only see our reflection, the Ambien antithesis.